In today’s uncertain economy, you must be intentional about where and how you spend your marketing money. You can’t control the market or predict the future. You can, however, craft a robust plan that gives your company the greatest possible chance for growth.

Here are a few ways to get the most from your marketing dollars in 2023.

Focus On Digital

Modern consumers like to “feel out” a product, brand, or service before making a purchase. They want to read reviews, glance over a website, view photos, and visit social media accounts. If they like what they see, they might make a purchase or send an inquiry. It’s your goal to provide them with an enjoyable user experience, no matter which way they turn.

A savvy marketing plan should consider user experience at every digital touch point.

  • Websites that are easy to navigate on any device
  • SEO strategies that make it easy for your target audience to find you
  • A social media presence that resonates with your target audience
  • Landing pages that drive conversions
  • Ongoing relationship building through email marketing

Identify Your Weaknesses

The best use of your resources might not be to launch a new campaign or purchase the hottest new piece of marketing technology. Instead, companies can often improve their marketing strategies by focusing on their weakest areas. It’s not the most exciting approach, but it works. The name of the game is improving efficiency.

Perhaps you have a fantastic website, but customers can’t get there because it isn’t showing up in their search rankings. Maybe you have a great product, and an effective sales funnel, but when it comes time for customers to make a purchase, your landing pages are simply not converting.

Improve efficiency by identifying roadblocks and removing them.

Lean Into Your Strengths

One of the most sensible but often overlooked growth strategies is to double down on past successes. Consider these scenarios.

  • Some companies sabotage their marketing efforts by trying to do too much. Do you have a campaign that you know is underperforming? Are you spending energy on a social platform your target audience doesn’t use? Perhaps you could drive growth simply by devoting more resources to your tried and true agendas.
  • Most organic growth comes from referrals. Are you focusing on those efforts that historically bring you the most referrals? Is there a certain product, event, or referral program that works best? What are some fun, new ways to relaunch or re-imagine those efforts?

Get Creative With Content Marketing

Have fun with content marketing in 2023. Put valuable, informative content wherever your target audience spends time. Don’t be afraid to experiment with blogs, podcasts, videos, infographics, and more. It’s OK to cut experiments that don’t gain traction, and it’s exciting to lean into new efforts that start to show promise.

Content is king in the digital era, but don’t let that overwhelm you. Instead, focus on who you are as a company or brand. Focus on who you are trying to reach. If you can get those people talking, then the beauty of organic growth is that they will do the rest.

Need help with your website, SEO, content strategy, or social media marketing? Sprout Media Lab is here to help with all of your marketing needs. Call us at (800) 617-6975 today!